Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2 Years. 198347 Memories. 1 Constant God.

2 years. 198347 Memories. 1 Constant God.
Coming to close one chapter and starting the next!

These past two months since the last update have been the busiest that I have experienced in ministry so far as I have been coordinating this year’s Avance Summer Program.  Amongst all of the busyness, the Lord has been revealing to me opportunities that I never saw coming and I am very pleased to fill you in on EVERYTHING!

First off, the Summer program with Avance has been such an encouraging experience to lead and we have such a great team of participants that have changed my perspective on short term missions.  The past eight weeks, I have seen the twelve young adults who have come transform into servants who are willing to do whatever God calls them to do.  Many of these students came with very little Spanish speaking skills and they are now wrapping up their summer experiences by preaching, leading worship, and helping lead children’s vacation Bible School.  
I am confident that God put me in this position to help these young adults grow.  However I praise Him for the skills of creativity and innovation that He has blessed Robin and I with as we have put a pretty great spin on the how the Summer Program here in Mexico operates.  The participants have gone into this summer with such and intentional approach while pursuing the theme of IMITATE based off of Ephesians 5:1-2, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma”.
We have implemented an intentional approach on evangelism where we have brought the students through different areas of the city, reaching specific profiles in each place.  This includes teaching the students to share the Gospel in different ways and also giving them the tools necessary to share in Spanish as well!  There also has been other outreaches planned such as concerts and visits to local ministries, which have allowed our participants to experience God in many new ways.  Through the past two months, God has continued to make it clear that young adult ministry is right up my alley, specifically forming young leaders to serve throughout the nations!
This is a group of our students at a local hotspot, Coyoacan, where we used a tool called Soularrium that I learned to use to share the Gospel during my time with CRU!
As briefly mentioned in my last support update, I am continuing to discern what steps are necessary in forming my ministry for the long-term transition into mission.  At the very beginning of the month, I was accepted into Eternity Bible College, about an half hour north of Los Angeles!  Since March, I have been searching for a program that would better my knowledge of the Bible, specifically in the areas of Discipleship and Counseling.  Eternity offers a program that lasts for just one year.  After much prayer, discernment, and many conversations with my mentors here in the field and those from home, we have come to a unanimous decision that pursuing a program like this would be a great blessing onto my future ministry.  
With my visa expiring in just a couple weeks, I have made the decision to follow the Lord across the borders once again, but this time back to the United States to better prepare myself for a career in ministry by pursing a degree in Christian Counseling.  
Although there is much sadness in leaving this country that I have come to love so dearly, I am confident that the Lord is inviting me into this next season of life to learn more about Him and His Kingdom.  In the same moment, I am also very pleased to know that when I do return to the mission field at a long-term capacity, I will be able to counsel others in many areas that I have not yet been prepared to serve in.

This process of discernment has been a difficult one as I feel very called to serve internationally and going back to the States for a season was a bit of a surprise to me as it may be to those who are reading this letter.  After talking with United World Mission, we have come to the decision to take the next two years for me to continue my training and also work on the side to pay off student debt that I would like to have eliminated upon my next return to the mission field in just a couple short years.  Aside from investing in my education and preparing myself to return to the field from a fiscally responsible perspective, I am also very pleased to share with you that this move to California also involves what could be a huge a part of my future ministry.  
At the beginning of the summer, a very long anticipated relationship started with one of the other Avancistas whom I met here on field last year.  Kaylie has also been working with Avance for the past 14 months and has the desire to return to the mission field after finishing her education.  Far before receiving the conviction of continuing my education or even returning to the field long term, I knew that a relationship with her was something I wanted to pursue. Now, we have the freedom to explore where it is that God is calling us and how we can do that together.  In August, we will be returning to the United States to continue our education and also discern where the Lord is leading us in ministry together. 
God has broke my heart for His lost people and I wouldn’t have ever experienced this without your involvement in this ministry.  Officially after the month of August, I will no longer be an active member of United World Mission, however I will still be sending out newsletters every two months to update you all on the progress being made to return to the mission field.

Please know that although my ministry here in Mexico is wrapping up for a season, we all are called to live missionally wherever we go.  I am very thankful for my church here in Mexico, Mision DF, which has shared with me values that I want to take with me wherever I go and that’s offering a community that seeks Jesus together and offers up a community to the ones living around them to know Him more.  My experience there has encouraged me to be excited to use all of these tools learned and apply them while I continue to prepare myself for a career in missions at the long-term perspective. 
This is a glimpse of my home church in Mexico! A small community of believers who reach out to the surrounding area to inivte those who don't know the Lord or don't feel as if they fit in the Christian culture to partake in an intimate body of Christ!
Know that our partnership in reaching the nations does not end here.  As mentioned before that after August I will no longer be an “active” missionary, I want to share with you my experiences while preparing for what calls me to next.  As always, I will be sharing with you updates every two months to help give you an idea as to where the Lord is leading me in the next steps of ministry! On a more administrative note, additional information about your giving and partnership will be sent in the coming weeks, so please be on the look out for that! 

I praise God again and again for your participation in the Great Commission and for being such a huge part of my ministry here in Mexico.  There are not enough words to describe how extremely thankful I am for your partnership over the past two years in ministry.  The last 24 months have made up the most challenging season of life that I have ever walked through and I thank you for being present in prayer and encouragement.  From a bad case to terrible culture shock to celebrating with me while taking the steps towards long-term ministry, I thank you for the love that you have shown me.

With most sincerity I want to thank you again and may God Bless you.

Erik Cole
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."   Ephesians 4:1-3
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